
Fun Weekend Ideas!

Fun Weekend Ideas!

Let's Celebrate Our Small Wins!

Let's Celebrate Our Small Wins!

Fun Things to Do This Weekend

Fun Things to Do This Weekend

Weekend Fun: Things That Make Me Smile and Make Life Easier

Weekend Fun: Things That Make Me Smile and Make Life Easier

Cool Ways to Win at Life

Cool Ways to Win at Life

Personal Development

Gold Stars: So Many Choices!

Gold Stars: So Many Choices!

Gold stars are like little prizes that say, 'You did a great job!'. You can get gold stars on stickers, on paper, or even on your computer. Which kind do you like the best? No matter what kind you ch…

Why I Felt Sad This Week and the Last Day for Something Special

Why I Felt Sad This Week and the Last Day for Something Special

This week was really tiring for me and I couldn't help but cry. My kids were also having a hard time sleeping and got upset. I know it's okay to cry, so I'm taking this weekend to take care of myself…

How to Persuade and Sell: A Guide for Kids

How to Persuade and Sell: A Guide for Kids

Do you want to convince others? Learn how to persuade by showing the benefits and giving deadlines. Selling is just like getting your siblings to do what you want. You're always convincing others. Yo…