
Computer Pictures and Lies!

Computer Pictures and Lies!

iPhone 16: Is It Really That Special?

iPhone 16: Is It Really That Special?

My Favorite AI Art Styles

My Favorite AI Art Styles

Playing Games While Watching TV!

Playing Games While Watching TV!

Robots Help Pick Cricket Players!

Robots Help Pick Cricket Players!

Artificial Intelligence

Making Voices with a Computer!

Making Voices with a Computer!

Have you heard those super cool voices that sound like they're made by a computer? You can make your own with a website called Eleven Labs! First, you need to make an account on Eleven Labs and go to…

ChatGPT: Talking to a Super Smart Computer!

ChatGPT: Talking to a Super Smart Computer!

ChatGPT is like a super smart computer that can talk to you just like a friend! It uses something called GPT, which helps it understand words and sentences like a real person. GPT learns by reading l…

AI Can Help Small Businesses!

AI Can Help Small Businesses!

Imagine a computer that can help your business grow, like a super smart friend. This computer, called AI, can do many things like answer questions from customers, suggest things they might like, and …