
Pugs: Furry Friends for Kids?

Pugs: Furry Friends for Kids?

The Collie: A Friendly Dog

The Collie: A Friendly Dog

Uh Oh! My Dog Ate a Tampon!

Uh Oh! My Dog Ate a Tampon!

What Happens When Your Dog Has Too Much Fat?

What Happens When Your Dog Has Too Much Fat?

Luna the Hero Dog!

Luna the Hero Dog!


Can Dogs Drink Alcohol?

Can Dogs Drink Alcohol?

Dogs can't drink alcohol like we do, it's not good for them at all. Even a tiny bit of alcohol can make a dog feel sick, with wobbly legs, throwing up, and having trouble breathing. If your dog drink…

Why Does My Dog Make Noises When Sleeping?

Why Does My Dog Make Noises When Sleeping?

Just like you, your dog dreams when they sleep, and sometimes they make noises like whimpering in their dreams. They might be dreaming about things that happened during the day, like playing with you…

Is Vaseline Okay for Dogs?

Is Vaseline Okay for Dogs?

Vaseline is like a gooey jelly that can help your dog's dry skin, but it's not the best thing for them all the time. If your dog licks too much Vaseline, it might get a tummy ache, and it can trap di…